Category: Wellbeing

The show must go on

We are all in this together

’tis the season

Nurturing the inner you

Whole person health

End of year post

Health matters


It’s Almost Volunteering Time!

Get the right type of travel bug

Help me bring healthcare to Fijians

Herbaceous on holiday

Meditation workshop for beginners

Handing it over

Plant friends

Herbaceous’ new home

Herbaceous happenings

When one door closes…..another opens!

From little things big things grow

End of year happenings

Be heard

Meet my favourite herbs : Part three

Why I became a Naturopath

Herbaceous on holiday

Meet my favourite herbs : Part Two

Meet my favourite herbs : Part One

Meditation newsflash!


Easter quince quest

Autumn happenings

That holiday feeling

Let us start anew

Splish splash I was taking a bath

A lesson in convalescing

I’m an individual you can’t fool me!

I’d like to be under the sea

To tree or not to tree

Nest is best

Autumnal Adventuring

You’re Kidney-ing me!!!

Keep taking the Meditation!!!